
Florida Red Wigglers Worms Gardener's Best Friend . UPDATED 5 / 3 / 2024

Florida Red Wigglers may be  rarely noticed, but when it comes to turning fallow soil into fertile ground.

 Florida Red Wigglers are ecological powerhouses. From aerating the garden to adding nutrient-rich soil. or . these

Florida Red Wigglers burrowers have proven their worth as a gardener's best friend.

 Unlike other Invasive Red Wigglers no worries of Invasive worms from eggs hatching and consuming your roots of the plants. Florida Red Wiggler castings are not invasive and do not eat the roots of plants'


Eisenia foetida +European Night crawlers are non native worms . 

Eisenia foetida +European Night crawlers are non native worms,
Studies have shown that invasive worms (Eisenia foetida, or"European Night crawlers). Their voracious appetites and reproductive rates (Eisenia foetida, or"European Night crawlers) have been known to upset the delicate balance of the hardwood forests by consuming the leaf litter too quickly. cause natural  impact on the environment.

The Benefits of Florida Red Wiggler castings on Garden Soil and Plants

 Florida Red Wiggler castings are the gardener's secret weapon and nature's most perfect plant food wrapped into one.  They're a natural soil supplement and the most potent organic fertilizer in the world.

They organically provide a number of benefits such as plant growth, soil aeration, moisture retention, natural pest resistance, and protection from disease.

Unlike other types of manure,
Florida Red Wiggler castings is almost perfectly designed to promote all kinds of healthy plants to their fullest potential.

One of their most interesting features is their level of microbial activity.
Florida Red Wiggler castings have a unique combination of helpful enzymes and positive bacterial activity. You know how humans benefit from “good bacteria” in their digestive systems?  The positive bacteria from the earthworm digestive system makes its way into the castings and helps stimulate healthy growth for plants.

Many of the nutrients that plants need to thrive can be found in large quantities within earthworm castings. Nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are practically bursting out of this stuff. You'll also find nitrates in a very potent form within the
Florida Red Wiggler castings.Florida Red Wiggler castings are immediately available to the roots of the plant. Most of the time when you grow plants, soil that's full of fertilizer can burn the roots and permanently damage the plant.

Florida Red Wiggler castings, however, all the healthy nutrients that the plant needs are water-soluble and can be absorbed right away. You also don't have to worry about putting too much casting material into the soil, because it will never burn the roots of your plants or flowers.

In addition to the core nutrients that the plant needs to grow, you'll also find copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, borax, manganese, nitrogen, and carbon. That provides a lot of versatility in nutrients for all different kinds of plants and many different kinds of soil.

Unlike other Worm Casting no worries of Invasive worms from eggs hatching and consuming your roots of the plants. Florida Red Wiggler castings are not invasive and do not eat the roots of plants
It's kind of like
Florida Red Wiggler castings fill in whatever nutritional gaps with your organic garden or crops, and makes it so that you can grow amazing plants... no matter what!

Florida Red Wiggler castings are full of organic matter and desirable microorganisms that yield benefits far beyond what fertilizer ratios show. Florida Red Wiggler castings contain low levels of essential plant nutrients, including iron, that are guaranteed not to cause fertilizer burn. The Rich castings don't hint at their origins Its the  rich, earthy texture .

Added to soil or potting mixes, the organic matter in castings improves soil structure. With more humus than traditional compost or normal garden soil, castings increase the water retention in soil, improve soil aeration and anchor plant nutrients that would otherwise leach away with water. Organic matter feeds soil microorganisms that produce, store and slowly release plant nutrition. Florida Red Wiggler  castings suit all indoor and outdoor gardens.

Earthworm castings provide substances that directly influence healthy plant growth. Research conducted found that Florida Red Wiggler castings enhanced seed germination, plant growth, flowers and fruit production.

Why Use Florida Red Wigglers Castings?

With the exception of water and sunlight, nothing could be more natural for your garden than earthworm castings. Not steer manure, not chicken manure, not even fish emulsion is as natural for your garden as earthworm castings! After all, when digging in your garden have you ever found a live cow, chicken, or fish? No, what you do find are live worms. Mother Nature created the mighty worm about 570 million years ago to care for her plant life by caring for the soil. As the earthworm eats its way through the soil, it takes in bits of soil and rotting or decaying plants (organic matter).
And what comes out is the richest food your plants will ever find, yet will not burn a plant! Earthworms have the unique ability to increase the amount of nutrients and minerals in the soil by as much as 10 times the value of the plant debris there. These minerals and nutrients are properly conditioned for the best root growth and lush plant growth – plus it’s odor free!
Why Gardeners  Use Worm Casting .
One of the biggest challenges they face is trying to identify the perfect plant food. While it's often been overlooked, because it's somewhat difficult to find, worm castings are proving to be the ideal soil supplement for Plants.
Many gardeners  have found that it shortens the germination cycle for new plants, increases yield on their crop overall, and does it all while protecting the plants from disease. As if that wasn't enough, worm castings are also chemical-free. This makes it an especially attractive option for organic growers, specifically. 

We use material that has not been exposed to pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,growth Hormones,and animal medications .

What we do not Feed Our Florida Red wigglers. Grains main concern (Corn ,Soil Beans) from feeds that are GMO. Almost 100% of all corn and soy bean feed is GMO. Roundup, GMOs linked to emergence of deadly new pathogen causing spontaneous abortions among animals.Manures from Grain feed animals. Rabbits,Cows,Chickens,Pigs and Horses .We find that manure from large dairy farms could have antibiotics or growth hormones. Scientists are also concerned about the environmental impacts of hormone residues in cow manure

Cardboard, Great Dangers.It turns out a lot of chemicals are used to manufacture the boxes, from treating the wood pulp, to gluing the paper, and dyeing & bleaching the cardboard. And my "bad" chemical, sulfur, is used in the process. In fact several classes of sulfur are employed in the process. Many of these toxins transfer up thru the plant we consume.

Worm Casting. Vermicompost,(Vermicast )Tampa .
  5 Gallon Bucket approx 35 lbs $45.00. .
Google Maps Red Wiggler,Red Worms,Worm Castings. Worm Castings For Sale 
 12212 Morris Bridge Rd
Tampa, FL 33637 

10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tue 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wed 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thu 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Fri 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sun Closed
 813 770 4794.

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